Since 1994


If you require email support, please direct your inquiries to Support. If you are unable to download the demos, please contact Sales.

EMIGMA V11 Release

EMIGMA V10 Release

EMIGMA V9.5 Release

Demo Databases

Evaluation, Demo and Free Software

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Type of file:

EMIGMA V11.0 Demo - EMIGMA_Demo_Setup.exe - 203 MB
The EMIGMA demo contains all the functionality of an EMIGMA license except for two issues:
  1. You may not import your own data. However, there are a number of databases contained in the download section with many types of data and many data examples. You may work with all the tools on these demo data examples contained in these databases. The user should note that an EMIGMA database can contain many data surveys and not just one dataset as in other so-called databases.
  2. We attempt to keep the demo version up-to-date but it does lag behind a little from our release version.
QCTool V5.0.5 Demo - QCTool_Demo_Setup.exe - 218 MB
This software has a 7 day free evaluation period. Days not used will not count toward the 7 day period.

The QCTool demo is almost completely functional without registration. Many different data formats can be imported. All the spreadsheet and basic data processing tools are available as well as all the plotting, gridding and mapping tools. However, there are some specific, advanced processing functions which are only available in one of the licenses that may be purchased.
EMIGMA V11.0 Viewer - EMIGMA_Basic_Setup.exe - 75.5 MB
Share your results! This version is a free version (not a demo), which ONLY allows you to open and view the EMIGMA databases generated by licensed users.



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