Since 1994


Oct 2015 – EMIGMA V9.0 release

We are pleased to announce the release of a dramatically new version of EMIGMA. There are 2 radical changes to this new version: first and most importantly, the upgrades to computation speeds and accuracy and secondly, and important to large institutions, is the ability to use a network dongle to ensure both security and better access for users not using the software on a constant basis.

New Fortran Compiler
For many of our processing intensive algorithms, we utilize Fortran as this is still the fastest and most accurate language for massive computations. Intel having purchased copyright to the DEC Fortran compiler from Compaq (HP), began development of an improved compiler optimized for its chips eventually releasing a version in 2008 which provided capabilities to use multiple core processors as well as providing array processing capabilities. During the early years of the millennium, there were still many CPU’s being used but in the last 5 years, Intel has now dominated the market. AMD is another significant provider but its chips utilize the Intel architecture and thus the new compiler is compatible.

In the past year, we have been experimenting with the use of this new compiler and have been very pleased and surprised by the results. First, simply modifying the code to be compatible with the new compiler and re-compiling, we discovered huge unexpected improvements. First, and probably most important, massive computing on an Intel chip is now as stable as it has been historically on the AMD chips. Secondly, the floating point operations are more accurate than our older Microsoft FORTRAN compiler and then the most pleasing improvement, a general 5 times reduction in computation time! And this improvement is without the use of multi-core processing of any kind. The other aspect is the ability to implement use of the multi-core processors now available on virtually any computer. This capability now turns some tasks from being a day-long computation to only minutes.

Specific V9.0 Release Implementations
It will take some time to translate all of our algorithms into code that can be compiled with this new compiler but this will be an ongoing aspect of V9.0. However, for the release, we have implemented modifications to four applications. First, the 3D gravity inversion has been implemented for the new compiler but with only matrix operations using array processing capabilities. But, this has dramatically improved the speed and thus now allows very large data sets and very large inversion grids, producing inversions in reasonably short times. The 3D magnetics inversion, has been completely redeveloped to utilize the new compiler for array processing and multi-processor computations. The beauty of this new compiler, is that it will utilize an optimum amount of the system resources without threatening the stability of the operating system as with other multiprocessing compilers which also allows the user to intervene and do other tasks. Intel has integrated computation and the Windows environment in a superb manner. Finally, we have implemented several of the new compiler’s capabilities in our data interpolation algorithms. EMIGMA is quite unique in that it allows for rectangular grid cells, arbitrary grid angles and other aspects important for interpretation and resolution. These capabilities are particularly important for potential field data where the grids can be utilized for accurate Fourier processing as well as Euler depth estimation. Now, even the largest airborne survey can be gridded both accurately and in a time efficient manner.

Finally, we have implemented the new compiler, partially, for our freespace EM algorithms. These algorithms are for the inductive response of a thin conducting sheet. These algorithms are unlike other inductive plate algorithms in that they are not restricted to concentric current rings but allow a full expansion of induced currents in multiple geometries. This allows for accurate simulations of even long strike conductors but more generally for non-uniform excitation of the conductor which is most important for airborne systems which have large spatial gradients in the exciting fields. This type of excitation is not suitable for many freespace algorithms. Our algorithms are of two forms, one which is merely the freespace response and the other allows for the combination of an inductive response along with the response of a conducting host. While these algorithms do not allow for galvanic excitation (provided in another of our algorithms) it does include an important response even in resistive environments and that being the response of a conductive or weathered overburden. These improvements offer a 100 fold improvement in computation speeds.

Network Dongle
EMIGMA is license protected via a USB dongle. Previously, the dongle had to be connected to the computer upon which EMIGMA was being utilized. This was of significant inconvenience for institutions which had multiple users as the dongle had to be transferred from one user to another with the possibility that the dongle could be easily lost or stolen. Now, the network dongle may be installed on one secure system computer and utilized by users when the license is not being utilized by others. This type of license may be purchased for one or more simultaneous users. For information on how to convert your dongle to a network dongle please contact support.

Posted on 2015-10-27 08:19:08


Title Date Summary
June 2024 News20 Jun 2024

EMIGMA V11 released. New 3D thin-sheet plate inversion with integrated layered background. Improvements and extensions to all the 3D Inversion applications. Accuracy improvements to both inductive and galvanic 3D simulation algorithms. Updates to online HELP, and more.

(full article)
March 2023 News 15 Mar 2023

We are proud to announce the release of EMIGMA V10.1 geophysics software. Many improvements have been made to its various modules.

July 2022 - EMIGMA V10 and QCTool V5.0.0 25 Jul 2022

Details of QCTool upgrades may be found on the QCTool website More than 2 years of development have gone into the upgrades in EMIGMA V10

(full article)
July 2020 News 8 Jul 2020

Many EM simulation, processing and filtering algorithms have been augmented in our EMIGMA geophysics software.

(full article)
March 2020 - EMIGMA V9.5.5 now available 11 Mar 2020

We are pleased to announce that a new version of our EMIGMA geophysics software has been released. It includes many additions to the inversion, simulation and visualization tools.

Oct 2019 - 3D Resistivity Inversion 15 Oct 2019

We have completed an extensive upgrade to the 3D resistivity inversion in our geophysics software to allow both surface to borehole and borehole to borehole data.

(full article)
June 2019 - QCTool new features 12 Jun 2019

Many new features have been recently added to our QCTool software that will aid in processing geophysics data.

(full article)
Jan 2019 - Magnetic Compensation 22 Apr 2019

We have released a new version of our aeromagnetic processing and magnetic compensation geophysics software. The new version is suitable for airborne, ground and marine surveys.

(full article)
Oct 2017– CSEM and V9.5 release 6 Oct 2017

We are pleased to announce the release of V9.5 of our geophysics software effective October 5, 2017. This past year, we have enabled the use of Land Based CSEM survey interpretation.

(full article)
Oct 2016 - Release of Version 9.1 25 Oct 2016

While there are many minor improvements and additions to this version of our geophysics software, we wish to touch on only IP modeling, TDEM inversion and the inversion viewer.

(full article)
July 2016 - Land Based CSEM 27 Jul 2016

Our geophysics software now supports land based CSEM including data processing, editing , plotting, gridding, modeling (synthetic data) and 1D and 3D inversion.

(full article)
June 2016 – Extensions to 1D TDEM inversion capabilities 21 Jun 2016

We have added a large number of new functionalities to our 1D TEM inversion tools including simultaneous inversion of data from different base frequencies

(full article)
May 2016 - New Simulation Capabilities 11 May 2016

Inductive Plate Algorithm - FAST!

We have implemented a new compiler and other engineering aspects. The result is up to 50 times increased speed of computation!

(full article)
CGG Airborne Systems 9 Jan 2016

Support for CGG 100% normalized step response data has been implemented and is released in today's updates.

(full article)
Holiday prices 15 Dec 2015

Holiday pricing is now available for some licenses until Jan 1,2016. See the prices page for details.

Oct 2015 – EMIGMA V9.0 release 27 Oct 2015

We are pleased to announce a dramatically new version of the EMIGMA geophysics software. Changes include upgrades to computation speeds and accuracy and network dongle capability.

(full article)
May 2015 - EMIGMA developments 14 May 2015

Some exciting features added to EMIGMA include new imports, better geophysical data and error handling, as well as powerful modeling, inversion and mapping.

(full article)
July 2014 - New EMIGMA Developments 25 Jul 2014

With the introduction of new ground FEM systems, we have upgraded our tools for the newer systems particularly PROMIS, DualEM and GEM2.

(full article)
July 2014 - Expansion of MT Tools 24 Jul 2014

Last year, we completed major upgrades to our MT licenses but the growing popularity for these products is encouraging further additions.

(full article)
April 2014 - New IP/Resistivity Developments 22 Jul 2014

This year, we have released major upgrades to our Resistivity and IP licenses. We believe that EMIGMA is now the most comprehensive software package for such data.

(full article)
Sept 2013 News 17 Sep 2013

We have worked on our geophysics software to make the user interfaces more user-friendly. There has also been a strong focus on data import capabilities.

(full article)
June 2012 News 22 Jun 2012

Our geophysics software tools have undergone quite a few developments in the area of processing and visualization of magnetotelluric and CSAMT data.

(full article)
March 2012 News 9 Mar 2012

We are excited to present to you some of the many new features have been added to our geophysics products including enhancements to EMIGMA's 3D inversion

(full article)
3D CAD Import/Exports 31 Oct 2011

We have augmented our geophysics software tools for interacting with 3D CAD applications.

(full article)
QCTool Version 2.3 released 27 Sep 2011

This new version of our software has been recompiled and optimized for Windows Vista and Windows 7 among other new features.

(full article)
Sept 2011 News 1 Sep 2011

Our EMIGMA geophysics software has had many improvements over the last several months including enhancements to tem and mag inversion as well as 3d resistivity modeling.

(full article)
July 2011 - New MMR tools and license 6 Jul 2011

New simulation algorithms have been developed in our geophysics software for ground and borehole MMR surveys. The MMR license also includes borehole DC magnetic geophysical modeling.

(full article)
EMIGMA 8.6 is now available 24 Jun 2011

Licensed users with an up to date maintenance may download the latest release of our geophysics software here.

March 2011 News 4 Mar 2011

There have been some notable additions to EMIGMA during the fall of 2010 and early winter 2011.

(full article)
EMIGMA V8.5 has been released 29 Jul 2010

We are pleased to announce the immediate release of version 8.5 of EMIGMA. EMIGMA users with a license currently under maintenance are eligible for a free upgrade to this latest version.

(full article)
What's new in EMIGMA 28 Jan 2010

Many new features were included in EMIGMA during the fall of 2009

(full article)
New features in EMIGMA and QCTool 8 Jul 2009

Many new capabilities have been added to our products including the support of additional import formats as well as enhanced simulation algorithms.

(full article)
Time Domain Inversion 6 Jul 2009

While EMIGMA has contained one-dimensional inversion for TEM for a few years now, we have recently released two significantly enhanced versions.

(full article)
Updated Demo Databases 17 Apr 2009

The demo databases available in the downloads area of this website have received some substantial modifications.

(full article)
New TDEM Demo Database 25 Mar 2009

A new demo database exclusively containing time domain data for ground and borehole surveys is available.

(full article)
QCTool Price Increase 5 Mar 2009

As of April 1, 2009, the price for QCTool will be $200 CAD.

Download GeoTutor IV 20 Feb 2009

GeoTutor IV is now available for download from our website.

(full article)
Magnetic Compensation Plug-In 16 Jan 2009

We now offer a plug-in for Geosoft Oasis to perform magnetic compensation on aeromagnetic data contained within your .gdb files.

(full article)
EMIGMA video now available 2 Dec 2008

A training video demonstrating the power of EMIGMA can now be downloaded for free from the Downloads section of our website.

(full article)
New Modeling Capabilities 10 Nov 2008

We now offer forward modeling capabilities for MTEM and CSEM as well as for airborne MT applications such as ZTEM.

(full article)
New terraTEM import and functionality added 26 Jun 2008

EMIGMA now has the ability to import data generated by the terraTEM instrument.

(full article)
GeoTutor IV is now available 11 Jun 2008

We are proud to announce the immediate release of GeoTutor IV. This new version introduces the ability to register online using a customized serial number in the same way as Petros Eikon's QCTool.

(full article)
EMIGMA V8.1 is now available 28 Apr 2008

We are happy to announce the immediate release of EMIGMA V8.1, which brings with it complete compatibility with Windows Vista as well as a number of new capabilities and improvements.

(full article)
Buy Our Software Online 11 Feb 2008

Recently added to our Price page is the ability to securely purchase various PetRos EiKon products online using PayPal.

(full article)
EMIGMA V8.1 Coming Soon 4 Feb 2008

We are very pleased to announce the upcoming release of EMIGMA 8.1 on March 31. This will be the first EMIGMA product to be compatible with Windows Vista.

(full article)
Improved TEM Inversion 3 Jan 2008

While EMIGMA has contained one-dimensional inversion for TEM for a few years now, we have recently released a dramatically enhanced version.

(full article)
TEM-FAST added to EMIGMA 7 Dec 2007

Petros Eikon has enhanced one of its flagship products with TEM-FAST electromagnetic geophysical data capabilities.

(full article)
PetRos EiKon Services 21 Nov 2007

We have many geophysical services that can conform to your needs. Our experience extends to data in the areas of electromagnetics, magnetics and gravity.

(full article)
QCTool V2.2 Now Available 9 Nov 2007

Visit our downloads area to obtain QCTool so you can experience this latest version first hand.

(full article)
EMIGMA V7.8 - New Features 20 Aug 2007

Now in its third major release, EMIGMA V7.8 has an unequaled array of functions and now provides virtually all of your processing, modeling and inversion requirements for EM, Magnetics, Gravity, IP and Resistivity

(full article)
New release of QCTool (August, 2007) 20 Aug 2007

New release of QCTool 2.1(August, 2007).

(full article)
EMIGMA Update 1 Aug 2007

Users with an active maintenance contract can now download a new EMIGMA update for July 27.

Purchase QCTool via PayPal 23 Jun 2006

You can now purchase a QCTool license online via PayPal. You can use either a credit card or, if you live in USA or Canada, your bank account.

PetrosSuite Teaching & Research Software 31 May 2006

PetrosSuite - a new Teaching & Research software bundle for Academics.

(full article)
New Data Processing and Interpretation Services 31 May 2006

New Interpretaton and Processing Services now available.

(full article)
Aeromagnetic Compensaton now available in QCTool 31 May 2006

Aeromagnetic Compensation now available in QCTool (May, 2006)

(full article)
Two New Technical Papers 30 May 2006

Dr. Cheng studies the 3D airborne TEM modeling capabilities of EMIGMA and other available programs. In the second by Prof. Duckworth, he discusses among other things comparisons between EMIGMA's modeling results and his own scale model results.

(full article)
Live Chat and Support 8 May 2006

You can now talk to us live during our work hours (9:30am-7:30pm EST/EDT). Feel free to ask us any questions you may have, but please be patient. It may take a while for someone to answer.

To use the chat system, choose a nickname and click "Login". If the nickname you chose is not available, you can set a new one with "/nick newname" (without the quotes) or just reload the page and retry.

New release of EMIGMA V7.8 now available 30 May 2005

New release of EMIGMA V7.8 (December, 2005) now available

(full article)
May 2005 News 30 May 2005

Conductivity Depth Imaging now available in EMIGMA V7.8.

May 2005 News 30 May 2005

New Impulse to Step Processing now available in EMIGMA V7.8.

May 2005 News 30 May 2005

QCTool now available for Scintrex CG5.

May 2005 News 30 May 2005

Imports, Modelling, Inversion, CDI's available for VTEM and AeroTeM systems.

May 2002 News 1 May 2002

Introducing EMIGMA V7.5

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February 2001 News 1 Feb 2001

EMIGMA Version 7 Release

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July 2000 News 1 Jul 2000

EMIGMA V7.0 Ready for Beta Testing

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December 1998 News 1 Dec 1998

EMIGMA V6.2 at a Glance

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February 1998 News 1 Feb 1998

New EMIGMA V6.1 Release Now Available

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April 1997 News 1 Apr 1997

3D Data Representation and Multiple Plates Now Available

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September 1996 News 1 Sep 1996

Focus: Improved Induction

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February 1996 News 1 Feb 1996

Sneak Preview into EMIGMA Version 5

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August 1995 News 1 Aug 1995

3D Resistivity/IP Surveys With EMIGMA Version 4

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July 1995 News 1 Jul 1995

EMIGMA Version 3

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October 1994 News 1 Oct 1994

New EMIGMA Development

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August 1994 News 1 Aug 1994

VH Plate Development

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July 1994 News 1 Jul 1994

MITEC Project

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